the gaslighter finally
(Sunday, Sept. 15, 2002)

yesterday was so funny, I went over to Rachel's house and we swam w/ Kasey and Jennie, and then we all played truth or dare, read nodoubtzpoet's entry for that one...then me and Megan went to the gaslighter, alone, cuz we couldn't get a hold of Jesse, so he didn't spend the night either, damn it. But we had fun listening to Oddman and Soul Agression (our buds) and we hung out w/ them and got their autographs, we're such groupies!! Then my mom came to tell us Jesse had called, and we just went home, and I called him, and we talked until like 11:30, he accused us of ditching him, I told him we waited forever, and then I told him about truth or dare at Rachels and he cracked up cuz I had to stand in the middle of branham lane w/ a sign saying "hungry-will work for food" and I got so many stares it was hilarious. And we dared Kasey to give her number to a random guy, but she pussyed out on us so I did it, telling some guy that she wanted me to give him her number, and his girlfriend was like "well you can tell your FRIEND that I"m his GIRLFRIEND" and I was like "hey, maybe you could all have a threesome" and she was like "you're disgusting" and I walked away. Anyway, he told me to call him back when my mom got off the internet, but I never did, and I called him today and he wasn't home so *tear* oh well, he doesn't like talking on the phone during the day anyway. I'll call him tonight.

Okay, I'm done, I think I"ll go hang out with Megan.

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