There's no kick in the pants
(Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009)

like going to the doctor's for a bladder infection and them weighing you in at 204 pounds.

Of course that was with clothes and shoes on, but that's still horrid.

So I've caught my third cold in four months, and originally I started eating more healthily for my poor beleaguered immune system, but of course you know I had to take it a step further.

It started out cutting soda and all that delicious free cappuccino from work from my diet, and starting to refuse to eat junk food at work when I'm hungry because it gets written off my goddamned paycheck anyways, and it's expensive. Then my mom took the money left over from my last paycheck and went and bought a bunch of fruit and fruit juice. I get most of my calories from that these days, which I'm not going to whine about.

In fact, I'm probably still in the 'normal' eating range, and that's fine with me, because I know it's not all that crap I'm no longer eating.

Now I bring a big bag of raisins to work if I think I'll get hungry, and if all else fails I write off a bag of cashews. How yummy are they, anyways? Delicious.

So yesterday I ate:
1/4 cup raisins: 130
2 oz cold chicken breast: 65
16 oz Dole Strawberry Orange Banana juice: 240
6 oz Green Goodness: 120
1 Three-Layer Nachos from Taco Bell (ugh, tasted awful): 340

Total: 895

Despite the nachos, I feel pretty good about what I ate yesterday. In my defense, I asked my mom for the 89 cent nachos 'cuz I could have sworn they used to be a little baggie of chips and a little cup of nacho cheese, but whatever. I can live with that total. =]

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