I want to live my best life
(Friday, Aug. 07, 2009)

I've been dieting, but I've been eating so healthily and I feel -amazing-.

I tend to eat around 1400 calories a day or so, sometimes more and sometimes less, and I haven't noticed any weight coming off (though I've only weighed myself twice in the past two weeks, at that was at the pay-a-quarter-for-weight-fortune-and-lucky-numbers thing at the laundromat), but I still feel amazing.

I quit smoking a little over a week ago now:

I have been quit for 1 Week, 3 Days, 6 hours, 4 minutes and 14 seconds (10 days). I have saved $83.04 by not smoking 307 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Day, 1 hour and 35 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 7/28/2009 7:15 AM

So, what I'm most happy about is that through this whole quitting smoking thing, I HAVEN'T GAINED A SINGLE POUND. Also what I'm most happy about is that I QUIT SMOKING. =]

So no weight lost, boo hoo, but I didn't gain like 20 pounds either. ;p

This morning I slipped up rather badly, as I ate Chicken in a Biskit + 7 Lindt white chocolate truffles, and have used up my entire allotment of fat for the day. Whoops. I have to get ready for work around 3-ish, so I'll be working out for a good 45 minutes. That'll only cancel out calories though, so I'll be eating veggies for the rest of the day methinx.

The logic on me buying the Lindt chocolate is that it's higher-quality than the chocolate bars commonly found everywhere, so I would eat fewer of them slower. As I ate them sitting in front of the computer dealing with Mara issues, this plan did not work. After I'd washed down the flavor of delicious white chocolate with a Diet Coke, I then dove into a box of Chicken in a Biskit, which were 2 for $5 at the supermarket last night.

So yes. I'll have to control myself for the rest of the day and learn the lesson to a) not buy chocolate and b) if I do don't eat it at the computer.

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