"Chicken crap...mmmm."
(Tuesday, May. 11, 2010)

Ten years of disordered eating. For my 10th Diaryland anniversary, I'm going to throw a party for all my friends, obviously without explaining. :p

Well, I'm on the downswing again. I clocked in at 203 (up about 15 pounds from when I quit smoking nine months ago) and was like fffffff, this really has to fucking stop. Over the past two weeks I've been restricting most of the time, but not super carefully. I'm currently at 196. I'd like to hit 190 by the end of May if I can. I know that's not a very serious goal, but we all have to start somewhere.

What I've noticed over the last seven pounds is that my stomach loses weight fast. It just does not want to be there, lol. I have a big ass and thick thighs and big tits, but my stomach has always been relatively small. Since they somehow managed to bleach my pants at work, they gave me a pair of Dickies. They're suuuuuper high waisted. What's weird is they fit my hips just fine, but when I first started wearing them I couldn't even button them. I mean I could, but it hurt so goddamned bad to wear them I just wore my own T-shirt under the polo and left them unbuttoned. Now I can button them and it doesn't hurt at all. When I lean over my fat roll still slips over the side, but I'm working on that. >.>


Total: 770 cals

155: 1/2 PBJ, light on the PB, light on the J

155: 1/2 PBJ, light on the PB, light on the J

226: 1.5 oz Cajun Trail Mix
(holy shit, if I'd looked at the damned bag before I dumped a handful in a plastic baggie, I wouldn't have eaten that! I thought I was doing the healthy thing, damn.)

234: 1/2 my mom's amazing BBQ chicken sandwich which was really hard to cut in half
90 (bread roll)
94 (chicken)
50 (BBQ)

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