The normal blues
(Saturday, May. 14, 2010)

Oh god, where to begin. I'm tempted to write this whole day off and say it never happened, but in the spirit of complete honesty, here we go:

70: 6 tortilla chips
30: 1 medium orange
*and I spit most of it out because it was nasty, so I'm counting it as 30 for the juice
110: 1 medium banana
105: 15 almonds

450: 1.5 cups Pasta Roni Butter Herb Italiano
125: 1 cup milk

400: Taco Bell Chicken Burrito
170: Taco Bell Taco

Total for 5-14-10: 1460

So I ate 'normal' today. It's actually a little bit of a relief to count them up, because I thought it was going to be 2-3k calories. ;;-;; So technically with my body weight, that's actually an appropriate amount to lose weight. I think it's 1600 per day for me to lose. But still not good enough. The scale said 193 today when I woke up (even after that pizza last night!), and I was hoping for 192 tomorrow, but it's not going to happen now. :(

I may get fired tomorrow because I was apparently asked to come in today, but I have no recollection of this. Because I don't have a car, I hightailed my ass down there (about 3/4 mile), only to have the manager not be there, so I furiously stalked home (another 3/4 of a mile). That's not exactly a lot of exercise, but I was walking pretty fast and sweating. And I was out of breath. I wanted water so bad. I've had almost a whole gallon today, lol.

Anyways, I'll shut up.

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