Excel + 190. =D
(Sunday, May. 16, 2010)

I made an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of my weight loss. This was one of my favorite parts that first time when I was 15 and starved myself down 60 pounds. I had a chart I made in Microsoft Word that was pages and pages long, and I had them all taped to my wall. And every day I would stand on my bed and record my wins or fails. It watched over me even while I slept.

And now I have a computer and Excel doesn't intimidate the hell out of me, so I can keep my weight loss much more secret than that last time. (until the pounds start falling off, that is).

I weighed in at 190 today. I'm rather pleased. Today I need to walk to the gas station that cashes my check, then to the store to get a little fruit, and then I can eat breakfast. And after that around 6 pm I need to walk to work to get my schedule for the week, if indeed I am not fired.

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