a new plan
(Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015)

It's definitely one of those change your life! Start now! days. I'm reading stevepavlina and getting excited about university and am just super excited about life. My first campus visit is next wednesday!

SO, my daysy chain idea is this:

Wake up at 7 am
Make coffee/smoke/journal for 15 minutes/ungroggify myself
7:15 Jillian Michaels 30 day shred
7:45 Shower and get dressed
8:20 Make and eat breakfast
9:15 clean for 30 minutes (including washing breakfast dishes)

The times may take some tweaking or some elimination, but we'll see!

Today I woke up at 8 am, cleaned for 20 minutes, took a break, cleaned for another 20 minutes, dicked around online, struggled through 14 minutes of the 30 day shred (with a break at the 8 minute mark where I gave up and then psyched myself into continuing), dicked around online, took a shower, ate two oranges, and soon will be getting dressed.

The last monthish or so I've been working pretty hard at becoming a morning person. I've spent the last 12 years of my life staying up past 3 am and waking up past noon. The turning point was when I overslept at my new job for the 3rd time. I typically start work at 3 in the afternoon. This should not be so hard. So I started taking sleeping pills after work and waking up sometime before 10 am with a few slips here and there. And now I think it's time to take it to the next level and really start being productive and healthy before 10 am! Breakfast: 2 oranges Lunch: veggie scramble with bell pepper, mushrooms, tomatoes Dinner: Salad sandwich with whole wheat, lettuce, tomato, Bella mushroom slices Snacks: 1 carrot, 1 banana Exercise: 14 minutes 30 day shred lvl 1, no weights, stairs at work and in apartment

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