Jeremy is a bag of dicks
(Thursday, Feb. 05, 2015)

Two days in one!

breakfast: open faced pb and blueberry sandwich
lunch: 1 chicken pares an lean pocket + a bag of salted steamed green beans
Snack: banana and most of a can of vanilla coke
dinner: 2 slices of bacon, 2 fried eggs, two pancakes
dessert: slice of lemon meringue pie

Roughly 3 hours of packing my best friends stuff, carrying it down 1.5 flights of stairs, running back up the stairs for another load, unloading at my place. Plus a 45 minute brisk tour of my new university!

Today 2-5-15
breakfast: open faced pb and blueberry sandwich plus sunflower seeds on top yum!
snack: sips of vanilla coke

Exercise: more moving! Now featuring even more flights of stairs.

Her boyfriend (now ex) is a bag of dicks.

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